In the ever-evolving story of the Bourton mega-project, progress continues to unfold. The standout feature of this update is the installation of the main staircase, a bespoke steel creation expertly crafted in our in-house steel workshop.
The sheer weight of this steelwork is immense, a testament to the precision and engineering excellence involved in this project.
Elsewhere in this expansive property, we are approaching the completion of some exquisite ensuite bathrooms. Their elegant design and attention to detail promises to create stunning and functional spaces. The extensive plastering work continues!
Exciting news from the heart of the home, where our in-house joinery has commenced the installation of bespoke cabinetry in the kitchen. This space is set to be a culinary haven, embodying a seamless blend of style and functionality.
With tasks running in harmony, from steel fabrication to electrical work and cabinetry installation, the Bourton mega-project is a symphony of meticulous execution. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue this captivating journey of transformation.